Rox papers 1935-1968.
Related Entities
There are 4 Entities related to this resource.
Mount holyoke College - Faculty. (corporateBody)
Rox, Henry (person)
Henry Rox was born in Berlin, Germany on March 18, 1899. He studied art and art history at Oberammergau, the University of Berlin, and Kunstgewerbeschule at Berlin-Charlottenburg. He then pursued intensive sculpture training at the Julian and Colarossi Academies in Paris. Rox gained recognition as a prolific sculptor and his work was displayed in many cities in Europe. He also began experimenting with photosculpture--photographing sculptures of characters designed from fruits and vegetables. He ...
Mount Holyoke College. - Art Dept. (corporateBody)
Rox, Henry Exhibitions. (person)